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Wood Announces Bid for CT Secretary of State After Years of Leadership and Service


Darien Republican Town Committee Thanks And Applauds State Rep. Terrie Wood

Darien, CT – After a public announcement by longtime and current Connecticut State Representative Terrie Wood (R-141), the Darien Republican Town Committee issued the following statement:

“We are thrilled to learn of Rep. Terrie Wood’s intention to run for Connecticut Secretary of the State. Civil engagement, transparent discourse, and prudent governance have been hallmarks of Rep. Wood’s 13-year tenure in Hartford. Residents of Darien and Norwalk have been fortunate beneficiaries of her steady, open-minded, and sensible leadership style. We have no doubt that these qualities will resonate with voters across the state of Connecticut as they get to know her, as we already do.

“Now more than ever before, the people of Connecticut need leaders who will work to unite, not divide; who choose civility over discord and who will actively work in the best interests of all who live in our great state. Rep. Wood has proven herself to be that kind of leader. As Secretary of the State, we have every confidence she will continue to strive for and provide, fair processes in all matters, but especially in elections.

“The people’s unwavering confidence that elections are free and fair is critical to the continued success of any healthy democracy. As Secretary of the State, Wood will ensure the fidelity of our election processes and, more importantly, restore confidence where it has been lost. She will work to modernize systems and take advantage of best practices to empower voters to have the confidence to vote while halting those who would seek to thwart a fair and just voting process. Wood is a tireless and gifted communicator, as well as an accomplished legislator, who has earned the trust of her constituents and is now ready to step up to lead from the state level,” stated RTC Chairman Alexander Davidson.

The Darien Republican Town Committee has been in the process of speaking to several qualified candidates who are interested to fill Rep. Wood’s shoes for the 141st House District. However, we openly invite any registered Republican who resides within the district to speak with us, if you have interest in being considered for the role.

If you would like to learn more about Terrie Wood as she begins her run for Connecticut Secretary of the State, please consider visiting her website at the following link:

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